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Rosalind Moss (1890-1990)


Diplômée en anthropologie de l’Université d’Oxford en Angleterre, Rosalind Moss suivit les cours d’égyptologie du Professeur Francis Griffith dans les années 1920. Au côté de Bertha Porter (1852-1941), elle prit part au projet de constitution d’une bibliographie exhaustive des monuments égyptiens, . De 1927 à 1951, Moss participa donc à la publication des sept volumes de Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs, and Paintings, ouvrages de référence pour des générations d’égyptologues.


Le 19 juin 1958, elle fit parvenir une liste de notes et d’observations sur des œuvres de la collection d’antiquités égyptiennes du musée Rodin à Jean Sainte Fare Garnot, alors chargé de l’étude de ses objets au côté d’une équipe d’égyptologues :



Dear Professor Sainte Fare Garnot,


Very many thanks for sending round the details of those objects in the Rodin Museum to my hotel. It was nice to have them at once so that I could begin working up my notes as soon as I got back while everything was still fresh in my mind, and I already have a few comments and queries (see separate list). I also enclose Madame Matthieu’s address and an addition to the situlae.

My visit to Paris was certainly much too short but I was very glad that it could include the delightful lunch at your house, and meeting the whole of your family! I expect to be back again in Paris in the autumn to finish various jobs in the Collège de France and elsewhere, once I have got my manuscript of the Theban tombs safely at the Press.

With kindest remembrances from Mrs. Burney and myself,

Yours very sincerely,


Rosalind Moss




  1. Madame Matthieu’s address is: Dvortzoaia naberejnaia 32, kv. 4, Hermitage State Museum, Leningrad.
  2. Please add following to your list of situlae: Troyes, collection Camusat de Vaugourdon, No. 174. Situla with reliefs and texts (very fine but no details known, and unpublished).


Musée Rodin


  1. Ptolemaic blocks (in the cellar and chapel) [Co.01410, Co.01411, Co.06346, Co.06402, Co.06406]. Could they have come from Bahbït el-Hagar or Sammanud, and am I correct in thinking that some of them are Ptolemy IV?


  1. Diorite head with beginning of inscription on back [Co.00880]. I had the name as [hiéroglyphes], but I think that the middle group should probably the [hiéroglyphes](cf. Ranke I, 127,23)

Could you verify this on the original? There is a « granite » statue of a seated scribe of this name, and spelt like this in the Thorwaldsen Museum (Copenhagen) No. 357, which is just a possibility that they might belong together! I have no details of the measurements, but the text is published by Madsen in Sphinx XIII (1910) p. 56 (bottom), and in Piehl, Inscr. Hiéro. 1 Ser. Pl. XCII, K.


  1. Late statue (back pillar) of Ica son of [hiéroglyphes], which you give me as p3-di-Hr-n-P (cf. Ranke I, 125,8). Is it certain that the last sign is not [hiéroglyphes], i.e. P3-di-Hr-p3-rc (Ranke I ; 124, 23), and in Piehl, Inscr. Hiéro. 1 Ser. Pl. XCII, K. [Co.03378]


  1. Fragment of statue of Uza [harresnet] good name Neferebre – [nebpehti], Dyn XXVI. [Co.01194] As you probably know there are also two granite and limestone libation – dishes of this man, one from Damanhûr (Bibl. IV. 49), and the other now in the Louvre E.18838, Moret, Catalogue I. Stèles, pl. LX [D, 2]. There is also an unpublished fragment of a black granite standing statue with naos of Osiris of this man (from Memphis) in Vienna Inv. 5774, see Reinisch, Die Aegyptischen Denkmäler in Miramar, p. 242 [29]; Brugsch, Reiseberichte aus Aegypten, pp. 68-9 [II]. Could it be part of the same statue?


Musée Rodin


  1. Block of Amenemonet and wife Depet [Co.03076]. This ought to be one of the blocks from his tomb at Saqqara, now dated as temp. Haremhab (Bibl. III. 99), cf. Mogensen, pl. CVIII, AE.I.N. 714-15 etc; but in the Copenhagen block the wife is named [hiéroglyphes], see L.D. Text, I, p. 138. It might be worth comparing your block with the others to see whether it is the same style, as of course he may have had two wives!
  2. Relief of Pay with “breaking the vase scene”[Co.01302]. From our records I see that another block from the same scene has now gone to the Louvre E. 15562. Are you going to get it back again to go with yours?