Associated bibliography
> ADRIANI Achille, Annuaire du Musée Gréco-Romain (1940-1950), Alexandrie, 1952.
> GONOSOVÁ Anna, KONDOLEON Christine, Art of Late Rome and Byzantium in the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, 1994.
> KAMINSKI-MENSSEN Gabriele, Bildwerke aus Ton, Bein und Metall, Bildwerke der Sammlung Kaufmann, Bd. 3, Kassel, 1996.
> RODZIEWICZ Elzbieta, Bone and Ivory carvings from Alexandria. French Excavations 1992-2004, Le Caire, 2007.
> RODZIEWICZ Elżbieta, Fustat. I, Bone Carvings from Fustat-Istabl ‘Antar : Excavations of the Institut français d’archéologie orientale in Cairo, 1985-2003, Le Caire, 2012.
> SHATIL Ariel, « Bone figurines of the Early Islamic period: the so called “Coptic dolls” from Palestine and Egypt », dans Vitezović S. (éd.), Close to the bone: current studies in bone technologies, Belgrade, 2016, p. 296-314.
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